I am an optometrist with 11 years of experience in examining and fitting spectacle and contact lenses, as well as providing eye training. In this field I graduated from Wroclaw University of Technology – Optics and Optometry. For many reasons I decided to change my career path, and in 2020. enrolled in a postgraduate course in software testing. Since January 2021 I have been a QA Specialist, doing manual testing and writing automations in Cypress / JS. However, I never fully gave up optometry and still do this work on weekends.

TestDive Conference 2024 presentation: „Sight as a powerful tool in a tester’s work.”

In my talk, I want to address the extraordinary role of sight as a key tool in the daily work of IT professionals. Through my experience as both an optometrist and a software tester, I want to introduce participants to the importance of taking care of their visual health from the very beginning of their career. I often find that IT professionals underestimate these issues, so my aim is to impart practical habits that will help avoid visual problems in the future. During the training, they will learn how to deal with the symptoms of visual fatigue and maintain proper visual hygiene while working intensively at monitors. Hopefully, after the lecture, participants will not only gain valuable knowledge, but will also want to spread it, contributing to improving overall visual health among IT professionals.

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