Maroš is QA Technical Lead at Ness Košice, Slovakia. His hobby is automation testing. He likes leading and mentoring colleagues, learning new automation testing framework and helping people to enter the world of testing. In 2022 he was speaking at ‚Testing United‘ in Prague, ‚Nordic Testing Days‘ in Tallinn, ‚Tacon‘ in Leipzig, ‚HUSTEF‘ in Budapest, and ‚Test Dive‘ in Cracow, In 2023 he was speaking at ‚Software Quality Days‘ in Munich, HalfStack in Vienna, SEETEST’ in Bucharest and 'SANAE BEER.EX’ in Bratislava. He likes self-improvement and leadership books, stoic philosophy, and exercising in the gym. You can find out more on his LinkedIn profile 

TestDive Conference 2024 presentation:Artificial Intelligence in Analysis of Automation Tests Results .

Analysis of automation results in very important part of testing activities. In any given moment we should be able to answer the question about the state of our product according to results of automation tests. We are facing many challenges during the analysis. Artificial Intelligence can help us with the analysis. I will share my experience with tool ReportPortal which is using AI for such analysis. 
Key takeaways of my presentation will be: 
– Why regular analysis of automation tests results is important 
– Why we should know the root cause of each failure 
– How AI can increase effectiveness of analysis 

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